
Showing posts from November, 2017

Bohemian Pillows Indian Patchwork Cushion Cover For Couch

Bohemian Pillows Indian Patchwork Cushion Cover For Couch Ethnic Indian cushion cover   adds an exotic look to your decor. Create spellbinding decor with hand embroidered bed throws and matching tosspillows. Presenting a perfect touch to any room, this cotton cushion cover is an ideal addition to your living space.exotic fine textiles in vibrant hues,The colors and patterns of Indian tapestries are mesmerizing and boldly beautiful! Line up patchwork pillows to work as a valance or window treatment and hang sheer curtains, creating design that is your very own expression. #sofacushioncover #cushioncover  #pillowcover  #pillowcases #pillowsham  #decorativepillows  #bedpillowcover  #beadedcushioncover  #bedroomdecor  #bohemianinterior VISIT OUR ONLINE STORE :  EBAY MOGUL INTEIROR   2 Home Decorative Indian Handmade Cotton Patchwork Embroidere​d Cushion Cov...